Zdravo svima!
Danas sa vama delim listu Youtube kanala koji su mi se pokazali kao najkorisniji za vežbanje nemačkog i razjašnjavanje eventualnih jezičkih nedoumica.
Hello dear readers!
Today I’m going to share with you a list of Youtube channels that were (and still are) very useful to me for practising German and that help me clarify any confusion about this language I might have.
Hello dear readers!
Today I’m going to share with you a list of Youtube channels that were (and still are) very useful to me for practising German and that help me clarify any confusion about this language I might have.
Youtube je zaista sjajno pomoćno sredstvo za učenje jezika - zahvaljujući ovom servisu između ostalog možete slušati nemačku muziku, gledati nemačke serije, i pratiti različite druge sadržaje na nemačkom jeziku. I pored toga što postoji od 2005. godine, vrlo često se desi da upoznam nekog ko minimalno koristi ovaj neverovatni alat za učenje (i to ne samo jezika!), kao da se učenje nemačkog završava na časovima i domaćem zadatku. Ne znam da li ste svesni u kolikoj smo mi sad prednosti u odnosu na ljude koji su jezik učili pre (samo) 15 godina?
Youtube is really an excellent tool for language learners - thanks to this website you can listen to German music, watch German shows, and follow other fun content in German language. Although Youtube exists since 2005, I often meet people who barely use this amazing learning resource (not only for language learning!), almost as if learning German stops with classes and homework. I’m not sure if people are aware how lucky we are now to have access to so much content in foreign languages, especially in comparison with those who actively learned languages 15 years ago.
Youtube is really an excellent tool for language learners - thanks to this website you can listen to German music, watch German shows, and follow other fun content in German language. Although Youtube exists since 2005, I often meet people who barely use this amazing learning resource (not only for language learning!), almost as if learning German stops with classes and homework. I’m not sure if people are aware how lucky we are now to have access to so much content in foreign languages, especially in comparison with those who actively learned languages 15 years ago.
Svi kanali koje danas navodim su na engleskom i nemačkom jeziku, a počeću sa jednim od prvih kanala na koje sam naišla kada sam počela da učim nemački:
All the channels that I'm writing about today are in English and German, and I'm going to start with one of the first channels I've come across when I first started learning German: