Monday, 24 July 2017

5 Youtube kanala uz koje ćete brže naučiti nemački

Zdravo svima!

Danas sa vama delim listu Youtube kanala koji su mi se pokazali kao najkorisniji za vežbanje nemačkog i razjašnjavanje eventualnih jezičkih nedoumica.

Hello dear readers!

Today I’m going to share with you a list of Youtube channels that were (and still are) very useful to me for practising German and that help me clarify any confusion about this language I might have.

Youtube je zaista sjajno pomoćno sredstvo za učenje jezika - zahvaljujući ovom servisu između ostalog možete slušati nemačku muziku, gledati nemačke serije, i pratiti različite druge sadržaje na nemačkom jeziku. I pored toga što postoji od 2005. godine, vrlo često se desi da upoznam nekog ko minimalno koristi ovaj neverovatni alat za učenje (i to ne samo jezika!), kao da se učenje nemačkog završava na časovima i domaćem zadatku. Ne znam da li ste svesni u kolikoj smo mi sad prednosti u odnosu na ljude koji su jezik učili pre (samo) 15 godina? 

Youtube is really an excellent tool for language learners - thanks to this website you can listen to German music, watch German shows, and follow other fun content in German language. Although Youtube exists since 2005, I often meet people who barely use this amazing learning resource (not only for language learning!), almost as if learning German stops with classes and homework. I’m not sure if people are aware how lucky we are now to have access to so much content in foreign languages, especially in comparison with those who actively learned languages 15 years ago.

Svi kanali koje danas navodim su na engleskom i nemačkom jeziku, a počeću sa jednim od prvih kanala na koje sam naišla kada sam počela da učim nemački:
All the channels that I'm writing about today are in English and German, and I'm going to start with one of the first channels I've come across when I first started learning German:

Majkl (ili Mihael?), autor SmarterGerman kanala, razvio je tokom više godina podučavanja nemačkog metodu čiji je cilj da se što pre progovori na stranom jeziku i koja obećava dostizanje B nivoa za vrlo kratak vremenski period. Mene konkretno su privukla neka njegova objašnjenja gramatičkih pravila, kao i pojedina mnemotehnička sredstva koja je on predstavio na kanalu poput pesmice za pamćenje predloga koji idu samo uz dativ:

Over the course of years, Michael, the author of SmarterGerman channel, developed a teaching method that should help learners speak German as soon as possible and that promises reaching the B level of German in a short period of time. Michael’s explanations of some grammar points and certain learning techniques (mnemonics) that he shared with viewers are some of the reasons why I started following this channel regularly. For example, one super useful video would be that of a song (Frère Jacques in French, Brother John in English or Bruder Jakob in German) which will surely help you remember the prepositions that only take the dative case:

Learn German with Jenny je odlično organizovan kanal - autorka skoro uvek označi za koji nivo znanja nemačkog je napravila određeni video, a postoje i plejliste sa svim klipovima koji pripadaju odgovarajućem nivou. Osim gramatičkih pravila koje Dženi objašnjava na najjednostavniji način, često razjašnjava i neke česte, a “problematične” reči i izraze. Npr. da biste rekli da je nešto različito, da li ćete reći andersverschieden ili unterschiedlich?

Learn German with Jenny is a well organised channel - the author, Jenny, almost always indicates the level of knowledge for which the video is intended. On this channel you can also find many different playlists of Jenny's videos (organised by level and topic). She explains important grammar rules in a very simple way and often clarifies some frequent, but "problematic" words and expressions. For instance, in order to say that something is different in German, would you rather use the word andersverschieden or unterschiedlich?

There are also Hörverstehen videos whose main goal is to improve your listening skills:

Anja je idealna za učenike koji još uvek osećaju otpor prema nemačkom, budući da ova devojka zaista zrači pozitivnom energijom i trudi se da nemački podučava na nekonvencionalan način (bar kada je u pitanju način govora, pokreta, humor i slično - videćete već kad budete pogledali bilo koji njen video).

Ania is an ideal teacher for students that still struggle with their own resistance towards German language. She has quite a positive personality and tries hard to teach German in unconventional ways (at least when it comes to her way of speaking, gestures and humour).

Ranije se više bavila gramatikom, a sada primećujem da češće objavljuje liste kao što su 10 najčešćih grešaka u nemačkom ili pak 20 reči koje Nemci koriste da rekli da je nešto sjajno:

Ania talked a bit more about grammar rules before, but now I've noticed that most often she posts videos with lists, such as 10 most frequent mistakes in German or 20 words Germans use to say something is awesome:

Anja razjašnjava i nedoumice sa kojima ćete se sigurno susresti kada krenete da učite nemački, kao npr. koja je razlika između glagol wohnen i leben:

Ania answers the questions that will surely arise while you're learning German, i.e. what's the difference between wohnen and leben:

Ovaj kanal sam relativno skoro počela da pratim. Autorka je profesorka nemačkog, a na Youtube-u nemački podučava pomoću slika i teksta - dakle nećete gledati profesora na ekranu već konkretan materijal za učenje. Osim objašnjenja određenog jezičkog “problema”, njeni videi uvek sadrže i vežbice pomoću kojih ćete utvrditi naučeno, a odmah potom i rešenja.

I started following this channel not so long ago. The author is a professor of German, and she teaches through images and example sentences (she shares all the learning material you need in the video). So, apart from explanations of a certain linguistic "problem", Free German Lessons videos always contain exercises for you to practice what you've just learned, as well as the solution.

U sledećem videu, primera radi, naučićete reči za različite delove tela, kao i glagole koji se najčešće koriste uz te reči:

In the next video you can learn German words for different parts of human body and the verbs that are often used with those words:

Verujem je svako ko je ukucao “german language” u Youtube pretraživač naišao na Easy Languages ili Easy German kanal. Kari i njena ekipa intervjuišu govornike nemačkog postavljajući najrazličitija pitanja koja se odnose na život Nemaca, Tako je, na primer, ceo jedan video posvećen nemačkom humoru. Meni lično je bio vrlo zanimljiv i video o tome koliko su Nemci direktni u razgovoru. Svi intervjui inače imaju titlove na nemačkom i engleskom.

I believe that almost everyone who typed "german language" into the Youtube search field noticed the Easy Languages and/or Easy German channel. Cari and her team interview German speakers on the streets of different cities and ask all kinds of questions that relate (mostly) to the life of German people. I personally found the video about German humour quite interesting, as well as the one that explores how direct Germans are in conversation.

Za početnike su možda najpogodniji videi iz Super Easy German serije:

The videos that are most suitable for beginners are those from the Super Easy German series:

Isprobajte, pa mi javite utiske!

Try it out, and let me know what you think about it!

Postoji svakako još dosta Youtube kanala čiji je cilj podučavanje nemačkog, ali sam ja danas podelila one koje već neko vreme pratim i koji su se pokazali vrlo korisnim. Naravno, osim ovih kanala pratim i neke druge koji se bave potpuno drugom tematikom (kulturom, zdravim životom, kozmetikom) i koji mi pomažu da unapredim moje znanje nemačkog dok istovremeno gledam sadržaje koji me interesuju.

There are certainly numerous other Youtube channels whose main purpose is teaching German, but today I shared with you those that I follow for quite some time and that have proved to be very useful. Of course, apart from these, I follow some other channels in German which produce videos about diverse topics (culture, healthy lifestyle, beauty) and which help me improve my German skills while watching content that interests me. 

Da li vi imate omiljeni Youtube kanal koji vam olakšava učenje nemačkog? Slobodno ih podelite sa ostalim čitaocima i sa mnom!

Do you have a favourite Youtube channel that makes learning German easier for you! Feel free to share the links in the comments with other readers and myself!

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