I don't think I've ever heard so many bad comments about a language, as I did about German... Have you noticed the same?
Let's say that the adjectives that I hear most often in the same sentence with German are: harsh, ugly, difficult, complicated...
Mislim da ni za jedan jezik nisam čula toliko negativnih komentara kao za nemački… Da li ste i vi primetili istu stvar?
Recimo da sam najčešće čula sledeće: "Nemački je grub/ružan/težak/komplikovan…"
When talking about the last two (difficult/complicated) - I'm sure you've seen (and maybe even liked with approval) that viral photo, or namely the thought about life being too short to learn German.
Kada smo kod ova dva poslednja (težak/komplikovan) - sigurno ste zapazili (i možda i s odobravanjem lajkovali) onu popularnu sliku tj. misao da je život suviše kratak da bi neko učio nemački.
What should the Germans say about this then? // Šta bi onda Nemci trebalo da kažu? ;-) |
There is also a story about the origin of the Serbian (or better say Slavic) word for designating the German people (Nemci) - apparently, German sounded rather inarticulate to Slavs, and so they referred to the native speakers of this language as "mute" (nem in Serbian).
Znate i onu priču o poreklu naziva “Nemci” - slovenskim narodima je, izgleda,
nemački zvučao prilično neartikulisano, pa su govornike ovog jezika
okarakterisali kao “neme”.
Aversion to German language is obvious in internet memes, too (ok, aversion is maybe too strong, dislike then):
Averzija prema nemačkom jeziku očigledna je i u internet meme-ima:
Schmetterling bre!!! |
This can't be the only meme of this type that you've seen?
Ovo sigurno nije jedini meme ovoga tipa koji ste videli?
Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised today when I saw the following image:
Ipak, danas sam se prijatno iznenadila kada sam videla sledeću sličicu:
Ipak, danas sam se prijatno iznenadila kada sam videla sledeću sličicu:
Odma' sada odma' |
It's all relative, as with every language, German can sound like this:
Sve je relativno, kao i svaki jezik, nemački može zvučati ovako:
however, it can sound like this as well:
ali i ovako:
ali i ovako:
How does German sound to you? Do share your impressions in the comments!
A kako vama zvuči nemački? Napišite svoje utiske u komentarima!
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